BUMLE-Pollinator Passage is a modular series of public furniture which acts as a passage for wild bees. This passage helps the wild bees to travel in the landscape and ties our landscape with flower meadows and gardens together. With a home for breeding and hibernating pluss food for the wild bees, this passage is working to increase the chance of more wild bees to succeed because it make easier for them to travel in the landscape, and with doing so help the diversity of our important pollinating wild bees.
Pollinating insects such as bees, butterflies, beetles and flies, are necessary for flowering plants to pollinate. Insects have a variety of other important jobs to, for example, they recycle and feed other animals, they keep the entire ecosystem running. But in spite of their importance the global amount of all insects are decreasing rapidly.
Long distances between the flower meadows and varying adaptation of private gardens creates incoherent nature and makes it difficult for the wild bees to move in the landscape.
There is a need to link our flower meadows and gardens together to give the wild bees a passage to move in the landscape.